Republican views on education involve a variety of overarching ideas. First, republicans believe in a restructuring of higher education, which would leave more students equipped for their desired fields and less working minimum wage jobs that are irrelevant to their education. Republicans also support school choice and homeschooling programs. Overall, Republicans believe strongly in an educational system that will provide higher education to those whose achievements deserve it, and that will give students the environment they want and need to succeed both in and beyond higher education.
Republicans also support initiatives that increase benefits to students who are taking more difficult courses, form partnerships with colleges and universities in an effort to improve science and math programs, and attract math, science, and engineering students to attend lower-income schools.
Republicans support abstinence education when it comes to sex education, believing this is the only sure way of preventing unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. They believe all family planning education programs should be replaced with abstinence programs.
Republicans also believe in an “English First” approach to education, believing programs that divide students whose first language is not English prevents them from becoming accustomed to mainstream American classrooms and culture, and therefore limits their ability to advance in society. Most of all, republicans believe that a students educational opportunities need to depend on their talent and motivation as a student, and not where they live or their income level.

I truly support the Education Reform agenda and would like to add my ideas. First, remove the gay and transgender teachings, library transgender reading sessions and gay counseling from all schools. Sex education should be the parents responsibility but I support the abstinence agenda. Support teachers more in being able to defend themselves and other students from aggressive and disobedient students. The teachers must be shown more respect and given more support. Violators that attack teachers and students should be jailed. Forced to write an essay in order for them to return to school. Teachers that are not teaching their students like the ones that talk about their life more than they do the subject matter should be warned t…